The Samoa Cake


Every year I bake my husband’s birthday cake. My daughter has asked me at least 75 times what type of cake we would make, every year I make something totally new. I had no clue what I would make until I noticed that “someone,” aka my husband, had eaten the only two boxes of Samoa cookies I bought. I didn’t even know he liked them. They are MY FAVORITE. As far as I am aware his favorite is Thin Mint. So those cookies in my mind were MINE.


After some funny arguing about how we have been married for 10 years and dang it Thin Mint is what he is supposed to like not my Samoas, I set out looking for a Samoa cake. And I found this! Whoohoo! Thank you Betsy Life!

IMG_1564Off I ran with my list to the store. I have never made a bunt cake so I found this pretty pan at Wal-Mart for $11. Continue reading